Bright-Night 2023
Bright-Night 2023
Bright-Night, the European Night of Researchers, has been the highlight of the University of Siena's Public Engagement activities for many years.
Bright-Night, the European Night of Researchers, has been the highlight of the University of Siena's Public Engagement activities for many years.
The edition on September 29, 2023,has been full of innovations .
The edition on September 29, 2023,has been full of innovations .
Firstly, it took place under the overarching theme of ESSERE UMANI, where researchers reflected on it, exploring it within various disciplines and engaging in public debates with the active participation of numerous citizens.
Firstly, it took place under the overarching theme of ESSERE UMANI, where researchers reflected on it, exploring it within various disciplines and engaging in public debates with the active participation of numerous citizens.
Secondly, Bright-Night unfolded along a city itinerary located in the Third of San Martino in the City of Siena, offering participants the opportunity to discover and appreciate lesser-known spaces. This was made possible through the collaboration of citizens and institutions who decided to contribute to this important initiative.
Many other initiatives took place in Arezzo, Grosseto, Castelnuovo Berardenga, San Giovanni Valdarno, and Paganico.
Secondly, Bright-Night unfolded along a city itinerary located in the Third of San Martino in the City of Siena, offering participants the opportunity to discover and appreciate lesser-known spaces. This was made possible through the collaboration of citizens and institutions who decided to contribute to this important initiative.
Many other initiatives took place in Arezzo, Grosseto, Castelnuovo Berardenga, San Giovanni Valdarno, and Paganico.
As part of 'Waiting for Bright...', numerous events took place throughout the week, from September 25 to 30.
As part of 'Waiting for Bright...', numerous events took place throughout the week, from September 25 to 30.
Bright-Night involves all the Universities and Research Institutes in Tuscany
Bright-Night involves all the Universities and Research Institutes in Tuscany
Maps of the Bright-Night city Itinerary in Siena
Maps of the Bright-Night city Itinerary in Siena