Public Engagement initiatives

From this page, you can explore Public Engagement initiatives of the University of Siena, access statistics on the initiatives, use the form to submit new activities, and browse the archive of Third Mission reports.

Browse initiatives

In this section, you can interactively explore Public Engagement initiatives by applying provided filters.

Discover the statistics

On the Statistics page, wordclouds generated from the descriptions and titles of Public Engagement initiatives are displayed.

Additionally, the page features interfaces that allow you to apply filters for viewing projects and events, obtain details on initiatives promoted by individual departments or other university structures, and select specific types of initiatives.

Submit new initiatives

The Submit initiative section contains the form through which you can submit new Public Engagement initiatives for the University of Siena and contribute to their monitoring.
This page is reserved for Unisi staff.

See reports

PQA Reports contains the reports published annually by the University of Siena for the Quality Control and the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research (ANVUR).