Statistics on Public Engagement initiatives

In these pages, some statistics on Public Engagement initiatives organized and promoted by the University of Siena are reported. All the graphs are interactive and updated in real-time upon database updates.

In this section below, a series of wordclouds are displayed, built using words contained in all initiatives or aggregated by structure/department or by thematic area. The word clouds can be customized by selecting, with a dedicated slider, the maximum and minimum number of occurrences of words to display.

It is possible to navigate through other statistics using the buttons on the top of this page.
Graphs are in italian

Public Engagement initiatives wordcloud

The graph is a wordcloud built from data derived from titles and descriptions of Public Engagement initiatives at the University of Siena; dates of the initiatives falls within a 12-month window, including the preceding 8 months and the following 3 months from the current date.

The word recurrence filter allows you to exclude words from the cloud that fall below or above a certain threshold. The values reported below the filter scale indicate the minimum and maximum recurrence of the represented words.

Public Engagement initiatives wordcloud aggregated per structure/department

The wordcloud, based on the same data and timeframe as the previous one, adds an additional filter that allows you to select the university structure that promoted the initiative. The word recurrence filter is updated based on the structure selection.
By default, the word cloud pertains to PE initiatives of the Outreach Division.

Public Engagement initiatives wordcloud aggregated per disciplinary area

The wordcloud, based on the same data and timeframe as the previous one, adds an additional filter that allows you to select the disciplinary area of reference for the initiative. The word recurrence filter is updated based on the area selection.
By default, the word cloud pertains to Public Engagement initiatives in Area A - Economics, Law, and Political Sciences.